Friday, 18 September 2015

Look at the swan Masya Allah it is so beautiful i love it.i can draw swan because my father is a designer so he teach me how to draw.But now i am an expert in drawing.My favorite hoby is to drawπŸ’˜πŸ’:):):):):):):)


Saturday, 12 September 2015

Ahh!! that tiger is so cute.I always wanted a pet tiger.
These are Malayan tigers.look how cute they are.i love Malayan favorite animals is Malayan tigers.

Friday, 11 September 2015

This is Malaysia my country.Malaysia is a beautiful country.Many people visit my country.Some of my teachers live in Saudi Arabia and in United Kingdom.Malaysia's flag is a very beautiful flag.
ever after high is my favorite show.I love to watch ever after high every day.the most i like is cerise hood and raven queen...........

this is the real kuala lumpur (my home) where i live.people are cutting the teacher said when she is in saudi arabia she flew to saudi to malaysia she said at saudi there are full of dessert and when she flew to malaysia  masya allah so many trees malaysia is the beutifullest country ever but now people are cutting the trees.astaghfirullahalazim peoples are so selfish and rude.

now i love tigers but not wolves . do you know people are killing the tigers ?they are doing it for money they did not think of what they you know people are now so selfish they are cutting the trees and build more buildings they even sell a tiger head masya allah .they are so so so friends and teachers really wanted to stop them from cutting the trees and now there is haze because of them the trees are fighting the haze so that we can live.we are taking more then we need.
.😠😣so now lets help together to stop the people who are cutting the trees.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

I love Jurassic world because it was a fun movie.Mostly i like aunt Clara because she is cute and she has a dinosaur world.I dont like Indominus because it was very bad.And i like that T-rex and the raptor because its cute and strong.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Minecraft is my favorite game because it was fun Very FUN!!!!!!

This is my favorite food called was so yummy.I love it.i was like to eat burger everyday because it was yum.SERIOUSLY!!!!!!

Ya Allah ampunkanlah dosa-dosa ku Ya Allah.Aku memohon kau beri aku ilmu yang lebih banyak.Ampunkan dosa-dosa keluargaku,keturunanku ,moyang-moyang dan kawan-kawanku Ya Allah.AMEEN.

Allah is our lord.we have to worship him because he created us.prophet muhammad is his messenger.we have to follow him.There are six pillars orEmaan that is believe in allah believe in the prophets believe in the books believe in the angels believe in the day of judgement and belive in the qadr and qadar.And there are five pillars of Islam that is pray,zakah,hajj ,saum and Shahadah.

This is my favorite animal its a lion.Mostly lion may fight with a tiger.Lions are actually carnivores,they eat meats like raindeers,deers,and hippoes.They are mammals they dont lay eggs.I love them because their cute,fuzzy brave and are they the king of all animals?

My most favorite animal

my favorite animalπŸ˜‰so cute.
my most most most favorite animal it was a wolf.How about tigers vs wolves. hahaha

Wiki Wolf

Salam and hi world..

First thing first. I just created a blog! Yipeee. And it's called The Family Wolf.
Why? i just love animals. And wolf is one of my favourite. Let's wiki wolf.

  1. Gray wolf
  2. The gray wolf or grey wolf also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America, Eurasia, and northern, eastern and western Africa. Wikipedia
  3. Scientific nameCanis lupus
  4. Height2.6 – 2.8 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
  5. Mass110 lbs (Adult, Male)
  6. Speed31 – 37 mph (Running)
  7. Gestation period62 – 75 d
  8. Length3.4 – 5.2 ft. (Adult)

He is just so cute!